Monday, September 15, 2008

MBA Admission Criteria and an Entrepreneurial Mind-Set: Evidence From “Western” StyleMBAs in India and Thailand

“The successful future strategists will exploit
an entrepreneurial mind-set . . . the
ability to rapidly sense, act, and mobilize,
even under uncertain conditions.”
—McGrath & MacMillan, 2000: xv

In developing and nurturing an entrepreneurial
culture within an organization, Ireland, Hitt, and
Sirmon (2003) suggested that successful leaders
will need to employ an entrepreneurial mind-set
and described the cognitive tasks involved, such
as making sense of opportunities in the context of
changing goals, constantly questioning one’s
“dominant logic” in the context of a changing environment,
and revisiting “deceptively simple
questions” about what we think to be true about
markets and the firm. While these characteristics
are considered desirable qualities in future business
leaders, there is an ongoing debate about whether
business school graduates are well positioned to be
successful managers in today’s competitive environment
(e.g., Feldman, 2005; Mintzberg, 2004; Pfeffer &
Fong, 2002).
I agreed with this statement. There are following reasons to agree upon it:

  • Graduate Management Admissions Test
    (GMAT) score and prior work experience is much important for a business graduate. Because if a business gruduate have some work experience he can manage all the things in a proper way.
  • experience people have mades to hadle critical problems in much better way tahn the fresh graduates.
  • If a business gradaute already have work experience he can know and pick the thing quite easily than the fresh graduates.
  • As experience made in India and thailand business school which select candidates through GMAT produce much better business leader graduates. They polish their personality and atittudes towards in much better way.
  • Experience business graduates have much entrepreneul abilities. From getting proper knowledge and studies they can use them properly and effectively because they have information about the business things so they can impliment the things within no time.
  • GMAT and experience is much related to each other. This admission criteria can work most effectively to create successful and entrepreneul mind leaders.

In top business schools and universities GMAT is necessary for getting admission in MBA. In Harward business school GMAT is ompulsary. Admission requirements of London business are as follows.

Admission requirements
Successful candidates will demonstrate the following abilities through their application and essays, the two references and the compulsory face-to-face interview. Please note that only short listed candidates will be interviewed, and selection for interview is at the discretion of the Admissions Team.
Intellectual Capacity
We require a good undergraduate degree or equivalent qualification. However, we may consider candidates who do not have a degree if they have worked in a position with a high level of responsibility. The GMAT is just one of several admission criteria that will be considered in your application. A high score does not guarantee admission, and a below average score does not eliminate a candidate.
Management Potential
We want people who can assume global leadership roles, not people who simply know about business disciplines. We therefore ask for work experience and consider your past performance when assessing your suitability as a future leader. Students in our current class have an average of five years postgraduate work experience. However, please note that admission may be granted to candidates with less than three years work experience if they can present superior academic credentials and evidence of truly outstanding leadership, through their professional and personal experiences.
Personal Motivation & Maturity
The MBA is a demanding experience which can change your life. We look for evidence that participants will be reflective, energetic, mature and realistic as well as ambitious and highly motivated.
Team Skills
We place particular emphasis on working in multicultural groups. We need to be certain that candidates will share in the development of their fellow team members and contribute to the learning environment of the School.
International Exposure
Our MBA is a truly global programme with students from over 70 countries. The students who benefit most are those with an international outlook, or those who can build on existing international exposure.
Language Ability
Our MBA Programme is taught in English. If English is not your native language you will need to take the TOEFL iBT, IELTS or CPE. Please note: this requirement is not compulsory for applicants who have lived in an English speaking country for a minimum of two years, or who have completed a degree conducted exclusively in English for a minimum of two years. Our TOEFL institution code is 0898.

Admission requirement of Hravard Business school are:

To be considered for admission, an applicant must have successfully completed the following:
A degree program at an accredited U.S. four-year undergraduate college/university or its equivalent;
Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam from a test taken January 1, 2004 or later. The GMAT is a prerequisite for admission;
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) from a test taken January 1, 2007 or later, is required for international applicants who attended a non-English-speaking undergraduate university; and
Submission of a complete online application for evaluation by one of the decision round deadlines.
The HBS MBA application itself consists of a number of components you may review on the Written Application page.Top of Page

The Points of disagree:

There are some points on which I disagreed. These are

  • Age limit for business graduates
  • there must be some relaxation for admission.

Overall Views:

GMAT and experience base admission criteria is much better for an entrepreneul set of mind. This method can help people to show their hidden abilities.
In this reading we investigated the assessments of career attractiveness
by 283 MBA students from India and Thailand,
to reveal the extent to which they had mindsets
that are associated with those believed
necessary to be a successful manager in today’s
economy. We found that an existing selection criterion
for MBA admission—the GMAT—was negatively
associated with the mind-set believed to be
necessary for managerial success. That is, the fastmoving
global economy requires managers to
have an entrepreneurial mind-set, yet we find that
MBA students with higher GMAT scores have
mind-sets that are more averse to work effort and
to risk, and therefore, may discriminate against
applicants with a greater propensity to behave
entrepreneurially. Our findings suggest the need
to consider (potential) students’ mind-sets toward
management to complement existing selection criteria.
We believe that there is more work to be done
in developing such measures but, once validated,
these measures will assist business schools in selecting
a pool of students that can go on to be
successful manage
MBA students with higher GMAT scores have
mind-sets that are more averse to work effort and
to risk, and therefore, may discriminate against
applicants with a greater propensity to behave
entrepreneurially. Our findings suggest the need
to consider (potential) students’ mind-sets toward
management to complement existing selection criteria.
We believe that there is more work to be done
in developing such measures but, once validated,
these measures will assist business schools in selecting
a pool of students that can go on to be
successful managers.


1 comment:

VeronicaG said...

Hi Muhammad,
You have worked thoroughly with your post; unfortunately, I'm afraid, there is a misunderstanding of the article "MBA admission criteria..." The authors assert that GMAT is not an appropriate criteria to determine whether students would later demonstrate entrepreneurial mind-set (t.ex. willingness to take reasonable risks and work hard). This is also recognised by some leading business school, e.g. London Business School. In their admission criteria, which you render, they point out that poor GMAT score does not prevent a student from being admitted.