Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Characteristics of innovative leaders

Four Characteristics of Innovative Leaders
Jun292007 Filed under: Leadership Author: Tony Morgan

Craig Groeschel from LifeChurch.tv had the unenviable task of presenting the after-lunch session yesterday. I had a meatball sandwich. Craig had to be better than that meatball sandwich. Even though he was competing with lunch and my lack of sleep, he certainly delivered.

Craig talked about the challenges of innovation. He suggested:

Limited Resources + Increasing Passion = Exponential Innovation

He then went on to talk about four characteristics of innovative leaders.

They heal the sick.
Not just physical healing. “In order to reach those that no one else is reaching, we will have to do things that no one else is doing.” We have to be driven to bring people to Jesus. We have to be passionate about that. “When is the last time you had a non-believer in your home?” We need to lead our people to love those that don’t know Christ. They need to be real people with names that people know. That type of ministry looks very different than the typical church ministry looks today. “Who is God calling you to reach that no around you is reaching?”

They break rules.
We don’t break away from the Truth of Jesus Christ. We need to do less “preaching” and more “listening.” Jesus healed people on the Sabbath. Martin Luther put the Bible in the hands of the common man. John Wesley preached outside the church walls. Bill Hybels combined the passion of parachurch with the power of the local church. “We have to care more about reaching people than following man’s rules.” Sometimes you have to stop watching what others are doing to hear from God. It’s your turn. Break some rules. “What is God calling you to try that hasn’t been done before?”

They offend Pharisees.
“When you do something new, the Pharisees will attack you like you never dreamed possible.” The things that are accepted today in the Church world, were hated ten years ago. When they do criticize, you must handle their criticism with grace. A lot of you are angry, and you
have to get over your anger. Don’t shoot back. “What new thing is God calling you to create that will be hated today and embraced tomorrow?”

They redefine success.
John 3:30. Less of me and more of God. We have to do that…in everything we do. For example, a 2,000-person church in a metro area like Washington, D.C. is a “microchurch.” We can’t be impressed with ourselves. Craig explained for him: Success is going to be if my children know Jesus. Success is going to be when my wife gets the best of me and not the leftovers. Success is going to be spending time with God…just me and God. Success is getting people out of our building and out impacting the world. Instead of counting the number of people that are showing up, what if we started counting the number of people who we lost?
I like this article because in this author describes the four major characteristics of an innovative leader. According to him if a person have these characheristics he can be a good innovative leader.
An innovative leader heal the sickness he like to fight with the challanges. He always accept challanges. He give courage to others for doing new things in an eefective way..
He did not care any rules. If he follow the rule the he can not be an innovative leader. Some times rules become a barrier for innovation. He work according to his thinking.He do the things in new way.Thats why he break the rules for some times.
He define the ways a success by participating in it for a project.He not only give courage to the others but also actively participate in the activities for setting an example of effctively doing the things..
I agree with the author without following or without these characteristics a person can not be an innovative leader.

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