Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Visit to ITAB

We visited ITAB Company this week on 17 Nov. It was an interesting and informative visit. We got lot of information from the company Managing Director and Production Manager. They provide us lot of information about their products, production process, methods of working, and how they market their products. What are the main things which are very important for them to sustain competitive advantage.
Turnover of the company:
Its turnover is round about €360 million per annum.
Suppliers and customers:
They didn’t prepare all the things by own. They have supplier from where they get material according to the order of the customer and give it final shape according to the demand of their customers.
Main products:
They prepare so many products e.g. wood, plastic, steel, metal etc.
Their main product is metal sheet products. They mostly work on concept.
Their radical innovation is auto scan check out system. Their other innovations are check out systems, out gates of big stores.
No of employees:
There are total 150 employees working in head office and production area.
The thing which I like more after the visit is their working environment and their structure. They don’t have so many people for controlling the quality of their products. They have only one quality control manager and four assistants which reports to the quality control manager. They train the employee in a way that every employee himself control the quality of the products on which he is working. There is no need of extra employees for controlling the quality.
They only check the quality at the end when product is in end stage of production. They also give priority to the people who are their customers and employees who work for them. They also have a logistic chain for providing in time delivery to the customers. They have only few products in their warehouse which are very important for quick delivery. From which they prepare the things after getting order. They believe on quick delivery for maintaining their customers. They also invite others to come with creative ideas.

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